Friday, January 16, 2015

Gramma Suannie's First Blog Post!

Here I am....creative full time teacher, sometimes cake designer, wife of 24 years, mom of nearly 23 years, mother-in-law of nearing three years, Suannie Bananie to bonus grand kid D (some call them steps, but we consider him a bonus....what the heck is a step kid or grand kid, anyway? I'd never step on him! Meanies!) and expectant gramma to baby E (will March 20 ever get here?). Let's not forget gramma and primary caretaker to one very opinionated chihuahua mix and a handful of rescued gatos. Am I exhausted? Ya' think? But, that is besides the point.

I decided a few weeks ago that grandparents, especially us young'ns, could really use some resources.   I won't even bother to look up the stats on the median age of grandparents these days, because it can't help but be noticed that many peeps in my age bracket (rapidly approaching 47, thank you very much) are just now producing their own offspring. Seriously, it doesn't matter to me one bit whether a parent is 20 something or the trendy 9,063, but I can't help wondering if being a youngish gramma will get some interesting reactions and produce some unique needs.

Another real need is a list of activities for grandparents to do with these little squirts. Pinterest is full of great, creative activities for parents to children of all ages, and certainly many of those ideas transcend to gramma-hood, but I honestly haven't done a search for specific old-folks' dealios.  Anybody ventured there yet?

Finally...I'd love to share some tidbits of projects, activities, events, resources, blah, blah, blah that I attempt or that I stumble across. Thus the title, "Gramma Suannie Did It!"

Don't expect billions of posts...I'd have to develop one of those illusive 27 hour days yo make that happen...and it probably wouldn't do any of us any good, anyway.

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