Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Who has time for this?  Not me.  It's 10:30 a.m. and I'm confident I'm using up what little energy I have just checking e-mail and attempting to do normal life business.  This cold / flu bug has really taken over.  No bueno. 

So....keeping it short, but vowing to keep up with expressing my grammaish thoughts, too.  

Last night I thought I could do something, anything, just something small and non-energy-using.  Well, I managed to apply decorations to six little mugs for the baby shower, but that pretty much ended my productivity.  Nice try!  

Baby E...the much awaited new grandson is due in about eight weeks.  Time has flown and the anticipation is really taking hold.  Along with that is anxiety...about EVERYTHING!  Let's not even go into that.  

One FUN thing that I plan to get prepped soon is a "GRAMMA BAG" for the big event.  Mamas know they need to have a bag packed, but grammas have a unique task of entertaining and caring for everyone and everything...and if they don't do that they are not true grammas :-).  I want to be sure I'm prepared!  So, I'm making a list of items that need to go into my gramma bag.  Snacks, gum, water, coloring books, notepads, an extra phone charger...anything you can think of?  Please let me know in the comments below.

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